liqour store
We offer a diverse range of carefully curated premium Whiskeys that perfectly complement the rich flavors of your cigars.
Showing all 32 results
Grants Tripple Wood Smoky 750ml
KSh2,000 -
Tullamore DEW 750ml
KSh3,000 -
James Crees Bourbon 4Yrs 700ml
KSh3,500 -
Johnnie Walker Black 1 Litre
KSh4,000 -
Grants Tripple Wood 12Yr 750ml
KSh4,000 -
Bulleit Bourbon 700ml
KSh4,000 -
Glen Grant The Major’s Reserve 1L
KSh4,300 -
Admore Legacy 700ml
KSh4,500 -
Highland Park Viking Scars 10 yr 700ml
KSh4,800 -
Glen Moray Elgin Classic 700ml
KSh4,900 -
The Singleton of Dufftown 12 Year 700ml
KSh5,000 -
Monkey Shoulder 750ml
KSh5,500 -
Jack Daniels Gentleman Jack 700ml Double Mellowed
KSh5,500 -
Glenlivet Founders Reserve 700ml
KSh5,900 -
Johnnie Walker Double Black 1 Litre
KSh6,000 -
Glenkinchie 12 Yrs 750ml
KSh6,500 -
Cragganmore 12 Yr 750ml
KSh6,500 -
Aberlour Forest Reserve 10Yr 700ml
KSh6,500 -
Dimple 15 Yr 750ml
KSh6,500 -
Glenmorangie 10 yr 750ml
KSh6,500 -
Talisker 10yr 750ml
KSh6,650 -
The Singleton of Dufftown 15 Year 700ml
KSh7,200 -
Caol Ila 12 Year 750ml
KSh7,300 -
Jack Daniels Single Barrel Select 750ml
KSh7,300 -
Glenfiddich 12 yr 750ml
KSh7,460 -
Dalwhinnie 15 yr 750ml
KSh7,500 -
Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Yr 750ml
KSh7,500 -
The Singleton of Dufftown 18 Year 700ml
KSh9,600 -
Glenfarclas 105 cask select 1 Litre
KSh9,600 -
Lagavulin 16 Year 750ml
KSh12,000 -
The Balvenie 14 Year Caribbean Cask 700ml
KSh23,500 -
Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750 ml